E-Codes Demo: Food Additives

by Jarosław Wiśniewski

Health & Fitness


Before you will read further information. You may be interested in the full version which is now available for free. Search for E-Codes: Food Additives.Check information on chemical food additives (also known as E numbers). Some of them are toxic, while others are just vitamins!Easily and quickly check which E numbers in the food ingredients can be harmful to you. The E-Codes app is perfectly designed to ensure maximum speed and usability. Just try it!Screen-shots present the full version (search for: E-Codes). Which additionally includes the scoring system, especially helpful while doing fast shopping!Fully supported languages: English, Deutsch, Polski.Disclaimer:The application has been developed between 2011-2013. It contains information on food additives aggregated from various sources available at that time. The app may be not accurate in accordance to the recent study published since then.